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The results of topical application of 13-cis-retinoic acid on basal cell carcinoma. A correlation of the clinical effect with histopathological examination and serum retinol level.

A group of 50 patients with basal cell carcinoma of the face was treated by 13-cis-retinoic acid. The treatment resulted in diminution of the tumors. Complete regression was observed in 4 cases. Histological examination revealed necrosis of cancer cells and mononuclear infiltration into the treated tumors. In the group with weak clinical and histological reaction to the treatment all basal cell carcinomas were of adenoid type. A better effect was observed in the group with lower serum retinol level. This treatment method seems to be supplementary to surgery in prevention of the tumor recurrence.
Enhancement of neutral metalloproteinase in the dermis after one topical application of tumor-promoting phorbol ester.

The effect of a tumor-promoting skin mitogen, 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on the induction of matrix degradation in the dermis of mouse skin has been examined. Dermis specimens were analyzed for proteoglycan content and neutral proteoglycan degrading activity. Total neutral metalloproteinase activity (latent plus active forms), determined by direct tissue assay, was significantly elevated in TPA-treated dermis than in control dermis. The active form of neutral metalloproteinase was significantly higher in TPA-treated dermis than in control dermis. Serine protease activity on proteoglycans was much lower than that of metalloproteinase. The increase in the total and active neutral metalloproteinase supports the hypothesis that these enzymes are involved in matrix degradation which is related to tumor promotion.
Antigenic phenotype of LEW rat lymphatic leukemia.

LEW rat lymphatic leukemia/lymphoma was antigenically phenotyped by means of W3/13, OX7, P4/16 and F 17-23-2 MoAbs. T-cell lineage related markers were proven to be expressed by leukemia cells. AAS prepared in congenic rat strains have shown the following pattern: alpha RT1 (MHC) AAS directed against RT1 antigenic specificities both "public" and "private" gave positive reactions with 100% of leukemia cells, all cross-reacting AAS directed against "public" specificities only, reacted positively too with 17-100% of leukemia cells and no alien specificities have been detected when LEW antisera were tested. The expression of RT5 differentiation antigen was proved on leukemia cells by means of alpha RT5 congenic AAS. T-cell differentiation antigen RT6 was also detected by means of alpha RT6 AAS with closely similar specificity as MoAb P4/16 which also positively reacted with KPH-Lw-I cells. Leukemia T-cell origin is also supported by the absence of class II antigens (F 17-23-2 MoAb) and SIg receptors. A presence of leukemia/lymphoma associated antigen was indicated by AAS absorption analysis.
Some biochemical mechanisms underlying the impairment of T and B cell immunity in C3HA mice during hepatoma growth.

In thymocytes of C3HA mice carrying the transplantable and ortoaminoazotoluene induced hepatomas at the time of their intense growth a drastic decrease in adenosine deaminase activity set in and 3-4-fold augmentation of intracellular concentration of dATP and dGTP, potential inhibitors of ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase was observed, leading to the reduction of the DNA synthesis. The latter event was evidenced by a suppressed 14C-thymidine incorporation into thymocytes DNA in vitro, decreased thymidine kinase activity, intracellular dTTP and depletion of dCTP pools. Only in the terminal period of hepatocarcinogenesis (12 months) a 4-fold increase in the corticosterone serum concentration was observed. As for the mice carrying transplantable 22a hepatoma, serum hormone levels augmented 4-fold as early as 24 h after tumor implantation and thereafter kept increased two fold. An elevated activity of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in mouse thymocytes has been shown to be characteristic of the late periods of tumor growth reflecting the arrest of the immature cortical thymocyte differentiation. By the time hepatomas emerged in the course of hepatocarcinogenesis in spleen T and B lymphocytes a significant drop in the activity of adenosine deaminase (3-4-fold) and purine nucleoside phosphorylase (2-8-fold) was noted--the events directly correlated with the weakening of cell immune functions. The disorders described were accompanied by the accumulation of dGTP in spleen T lymphocytes, dATP in B lymphocytes and inhibition of DNA synthesis, predominantly in T lymphocytes. In the latter instance the pool of dCTP was found to be depleted. In spleen T and B lymphocytes of mice carrying solid 22a hepatoma when the peak of its growth was reached (day 5) the rate of DNA synthesis dropped. Later on (from day 8 to the animal death), however, in spite of the suppression of immune function and the decrease in adenosine deaminase activity a drastic stimulation of DNA synthesis in spleen T and B lymphocytes was observed. The increase in spleen T suppressor activity in the course of intense growth of the both types of hepatomas coincided in the time with the stimulation of the CTP-dependent thymidine kinase isoenzyme activity in total T lymphocyte population of the same organ.
Lymphocyte populations in premalignant lesions and cancer of the oral cavity.

A comparison of the absolute numbers of leukocytes, proportions, and absolute numbers of various lymphocyte populations in patients with precancerous lesions and cancer of the oral cavity along with normal controls was carried out. Total leukocytes and lymphocytes showed reduction in their numbers in the patient group. B lymphocytes showed a significant increase in both its proportion and numbers in premalignant lesions while such an increase was not evident in oral cancer. Reduced T cell proportion and absolute number was noticed in both patient groups. Profound alteration was noticed in the circulating TG and TM populations of lymphocytes. TG cells were significantly increased in both patient groups. The TM population, on the other hand, showed drastic reduction in its numbers. These findings point towards an impairment of the immune response in the precancerous as well as the malignant stage of the disease.
Nitroblue tetrazolium test in patients with Hodgkin's disease in the course of chemotherapy.

In 41 patients with Hodgkin's disease nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) dye reduction with resting and stimulated granulocytes, before, in the course and after chemotherapy was examined. Twofold decrease of the capability of NBT reduction test with stimulated granulocytes was found, whereas with resting granulocytes only slight diminution was noted. Chemotherapy did not improve the tested parameters. No relationship was observed between the stage of disease and the presence of systemic symptoms and the NBT dye reduction. It can be assumed that granulocytes from patients with Hodgkin's disease are resistant to stimulation. The observations suggest that NBT test may be useful for evaluation of the function of granulocytes and to some extent for monitoring of the chemotherapy.
Lung tumor presentation in relation to histology and smoking habit of operable and inoperable patients.

In two separate groups of lung cancer patients, the cranio-caudal site of tumor presentation was related to smoking habits. Group I consisted of 47 inoperable lung cancer patients. In this group apical lung tumor presentation was significantly more common in nonsmokers than in smokers (p less than 0.04). The proportion of women and patients with adenocarcinoma was higher for nonsmokers (p less than 0.01 and p less than 0.01, respectively). In order to validate these findings the site of tumor presentation in relation to smoking habits was studied for a separate group of 369 lung cancer patients. All these patients (group II) had operable tumors. In general, these patients were younger and came from more urban areas than the patients in group I. In group II, upper lobe tumor presentation was not more common among nonsmokers compared with tumor presentation in smokers (p greater than 0.05). However, there were more patients with adenocarcinomas and women among nonsmokers (p less than 0.0001 and p less than 0.0001, respectively). The findings indicate that either the tumor site of presentation in operable and in inoperable lung cancer patients has different epidemiological characteristics, or that, due to chance, a difference in the groups has been observed. However, consistently in the two groups, women with adenocarcinomas who were smokers were younger than other women with adenocarcinomas.
Occult thyroid carcinoma in a Greek population.

Eleven occult carcinomas (1.8%) were found in 611 specimens from partial and radical thyroidectomies performed in Metaxa's Memorial Hospital of Piraeus and 3 (1.5%) in 200 autopsies from Athens City Forensic Department. Both surgical and autopsy specimens were thoroughly examined. Autopsies were selected to match for age and sex to the surgical material, from non hospitalized relatively healthy individuals. The prevalence found by us was lower than that reported from other European countries. The prevalence found in autopsies and surgicals was almost identical and it appears that thyroid lesions due to which the patients were operated are not related to the presence of the tumors.
High-resolution chromosome analysis in retinoblastoma.

Peripheral blood chromosomes of 13 patients with retinoblastoma and of their 20 first degree relatives were examined. In three of them chromosomal aberrations were found. Chromosomal anomalies were revealed in one case the patient's father only (the child died and the examination could not be performed) [del(13)(q12.11-q12.13)] and in another case both in the patient [t(13;14)] and in the father as well. This data support the view that some cases of retinoblastoma are closely linked to chromosomal rearrangements in the parental karyotype.
Comparative evaluation of two administration schedules of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum (DDP) in ovarian and head and neck cancers: a CMEA chemotherapy group study.

The therapeutic effectivity of two administration schedules of DDP were compared. The dose was either 100 mg/m2 infused for 4 h or 20 mg/m2 infused for 1 h on 5 consecutive days. The combined objective remission rate of the two regimens were 37/53 (23% CR ++ 44% PR) for ovarian cancer and 8/35 (9% CR + 14% PR) for head and neck cancer. WHO Grade 1-2 myelo- and nephrotoxicity was observed in 26% and 20%, respectively, out of the 105 cases evaluable for toxicity in the two groups. Nausea and vomiting was moderate to severe. Neither the remission rate nor the toxicity of the two schedules were significantly different.
Derivatives of benzo(c)fluorene. XXIV. Cytostatic effect of benfluron on human leukemic cells in vitro.

Benfluoron (BF), a new cytostatic drug, synthesized at the Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Prague, was tested for its cytostatic and cytotoxic effect. The concentrations of BF ranging from 0.1-2 micrograms/ml had a significant cytostatic effect on nine stabilized human leukemic cell lines. This effect was demonstrated by cell counts, cell viability and 3H-thymidine incorporation. The BF concentrations of 2 micrograms/ml and higher were considerably cytostatic causing the cell death and cell degradation. The effect of BF on the cell growth being irreversible could not be eliminated by washing the cells and recultivating them in fresh medium. The BF concentrations halving the total number of viable cells (EC50 value) induced a higher cytotoxicity in lymphoblastoid cell lines then in myeloid ones. BF did not influence the binding of monoclonal antibodies with membrane markers of different cell subpopulations. Prospective application of BF as a cytostatic and immunosuppressive drug is discussed.
Photodynamic therapy in vitro and in vivo with hematoporphyrin derivative and laser light.

Photodynamic therapy is currently under investigation as a new form of treatment for solid malignant tumors in animals and in humans. The method involves photosensitization of drugs and fluorescent dyes, such as hematoporphyrin derivative (Hpd), after preferential incorporation by neoplastic cells. In in vitro experiments laser light activation completely destroys Hpd-pretreated EL4 cells. Mice bearing MS-2 fibrosarcoma treated with Hpd and laser light survived indefinitely, in comparison with control animals that were untreated or treated only with Hpd or laser light. In mice bearing the highly metastatic tumors B16 melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) treated with Hpd and laser light delivered through a quartz fiber optic significantly prolonged the median survival time. This therapy was compared with surgical excision of primary tumors and, for superficial nonmetastatic neoplasma MS-2, the photodynamic therapy was more effective than surgery, while for metastatic tumors B16 and LLC, there was no significant difference between the two methodologies. However, phototherapy is much less traumatic to the animals.
Carcinoembryonic antigen in bronchogenic carcinoma.

The authors determined carcinoembryonic antigen concentration in the sera of patients with bronchogenic carcinoma, some noncancerous lung diseases and in the sera of healthy subjects in order to assess the contribution of this method to the diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma with regard to the morphological type. Increased levels of carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with bronchogenic carcinoma were observed in 32% of cases. Among the morphological types of bronchogenic carcinoma statistically significant differences were not found. The comparison of bronchogenic carcinoma regardless of the type with the groups of noncancerous lung diseases and healthy subjects revealed statistically significant differences.
Influence of splenectomy on the levels of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in Hodgkin's disease (HD).

A 3.75% polyethylene glycol 6000-precipitation method was used to estimate the levels of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in pre- and postsplenectomy serum samples obtained from 34 patients suffering from Hodgkin's disease (HD). In 26 out of the 34 patients (76.47%) the postsplenectomy samples showed a considerable decrease in CIC levels compared to the levels in the presplenectomy samples. Two patients showed a marginal change while the remaining 6 patients exhibited elevated levels of CICs after splenectomy. The mean levels (in terms of OD 450 nm) in the pre- and postsplenectomy sample sets were 0.66 +/- 0.07 and 0.42 +/- 0.05, respectively (p less than 0.01). There was no apparent relationship between the interval elapsed after splenectomy (6-22 days) and the magnitude of decrease (1.7-91.8%). Patients with LP-type histology and splenic involvement formed a category that preferentially showed a substantial decrease in CIC levels after splenectomy.
Consistent chromosome abnormalities in LS/BL murine lymphosarcoma cells.

The LS/BL lymphosarcoma was induced by radiation in a C57BL/10 mouse in 1963 and was converted to ascites form in the first mouse transfer generation. In the course of cultivation in vivo the modal number of chromosomes dropped from the initial value 42-41 to 39 (73%). Cytogenetic characterization of the LS/BL tumor was carried out, using G-banding technique. Chromosome abnormalities were consistent in the cell line and involved chromosomes Nos. 3, 6, 12, 13, 16, and X. The most frequent abnormality was the presence of three markers and trisomy of chromosome No. 16.
Hyperlipidemia and monoclonal gammapathy.

A combination of hyperlipoproteinemia and monoclonal gammapathy was described in 4 women and one man (mean age 53.4 years). Monoclonal IgG1 was demonstrated in the serum of all the patients, four times with the lambda type light chains and once with the kappa type. In the patients with monoclonal IgG-lambda, IIb type hyperlipoproteinemia according to Fredrickson's classification was established in three cases and type V in one case. Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia was found in the woman patient with IgG-kappa gammapathy.
Comparative pharmacokinetics of four platinum cytostatics in rats.

The time-course of plasma and red blood cells platinum concentration was investigated after the administration of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum II (cisplatinum), cis-dichlorodiammine-trans-dihydroxyplatinum IV (oxoplatinum), cis-dichloro-trans-dihydroxy-bis-isopropylamine-platinum IV (CHIP) and cis-diammine-1,1-cyclobutanedicarboxylate-platinum II (CBDCA) to male Wistar rats. A physiologically based three-compartment open model was used for pharmacokinetic evaluation. This model provides an estimation of free and protein-bound platinum time-courses from the total platinum species decrease. The total plasma clearance of total platinum increased in the order cisplatinum, CHIP, oxoplatinum and CBDCA. Plasma half-live of gamma-phase, which probably represents the elimination of protein-bound platinum species is similar (51-72 h) in all drugs under study and is longer than that of 131I-HSA (33 h). The platinum concentration in red blood cells shows plateau for all complexes studied at long time intervals and its elimination is very slow.
Incidence of alloantibodies and immune complexes in bronchial secretions of lung cancer patients.

Bronchial secretions may accumulate immunoglobulins (Igs) produced by lymphocytes infiltrating tumor and its vicinity, and tumor associated antigens to higher degree than cancer patient serum. All three classes of Igs were increased in bronchial secretions from lung cancer patients as compared to control patients. Similar relationships were found for IgG and IgA/albumin ratios and IgG and IgA indices. The level of alloantibodies to fetal cells (measured by immunoradiometric--IRMA--assay) and immune complexes (IC, measured by IRMA--Clq and ELISA--anti C3) were significantly higher in lung cancer patients versus control patients in bronchial secretions. The differences were similar in sera but they were not significant. On the contrary, alloantibody binding to tumor cells was higher in control group. Absorption experiments with normal cells abolished antitumor and antifetal activity, what indicates natural character of these alloantibodies. Significant correlations between alloantibody to fetal cells and IC levels indicate that fetal antigens may contribute to antigenic component of IC. These findings suggest the link of alloantibodies and IC levels in bronchial secretions with neoplastic growth.
Evaluation of the malignancy of oral cavity tumors with a new electrochemical diagnostic method.

The authors applied the new electrochemical diagnostic method of PÃ¥pa on 110 patients with tumors or inflammations in the oral cavity. The examinations were carried out with a surface electrode in 107 and with a needle electrode in 23 cases. The obtained values were compared with the histological results and the clinical picture. On the basis of these studies it has been found that the values obtained in malignant processus are more than twice as high as the values of the healthy tissues or the benign tumors. According to their experience, this new diagnostic method can be used in the early diagnosis of cancer and for the evaluation of the extension of the tumor as well as in the judgment of the development of regional metastases.
Childhood rhabdomyosarcoma in Hungary.

56 children with rhabdomyosarcoma were treated in Hungary between 1975 and 1984. Tumor localization, age and sex distribution was similar to reported figures. Survival analysis demonstrated a better prognosis for orbital and urogenital rhabdomyosarcoma. Except for Stage I patients the more advanced cases had an inferior survival to other reported series. Intensification of therapy did not seem to clarify this point. Improving survival necessitates a uniform therapeutic approach that takes prognostic factors into consideration.
Larynx cancer risk factors.

The larynx cancer relative risk has been evaluated (328 cases) in the stationary-native Upper Silesians (63.7%) and migrating (36.3%) male population. The particular control groups (656 men) included 418 and 238 men respectively not suffering from malignant neoplasms. The essentially higher larynx cancer incidence risk has been shown for men manual labor and exposed to the influence of various dusts, gases and vapors and other pollutants in their place of work. The increased substantial incidence risk is also true for men who smoke tobacco and are professionally exposed to the pollution. The results in regard to the consumption of raw and boiled vegetables suggest that these may be inhibitors of the neoplasmatic process in the area of larynx (although not only). The frequency of the consumption of alcohol--vodka or beer--increases the larynx cancer incidence risk both among autochthons and immigrants. Nevertheless, the data concerning the amount of alcohol consumed are less valuable here; they do not allow to establish fully reliable quantitative levels of the beer or vodka consumed. In comparison with the literature of the subject, divergent data have been obtained as far as the joint influence of drinking alcohol with simultaneous smoking of tobacco and professional exposure are concerned.
Cytogenetic changes of human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro after exposure to cis-DDP (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum II) and oxo-Pt (cis-diamminedichloro-trans-dihydroxyplatinum IV).

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were tested for induction of micronuclei, chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) frequency after exposure to two platinum complexes (cis-DDP Platidiam and oxo-Pt) and a comparison was made with the inhibitory effect of these drugs on mitotic activity. When the cis-DDP cell samples were compared with the untreated controls, there was a distinct increase in the frequency of micronuclei and chromosome aberrations, and the statistically significant increase in SCE frequency was accompanied by a significant decrease in mitotic activity. In oxo-Pt cell samples, using an identical concentration of the drug, only a slight increase in micronuclei and chromosome aberration frequency was observed. However, the increase in the SCE frequency was not significant and neither was the decrease of mitotic activity when compared with the controls.
Chloronitroimidazoles as radiosensitizers of hypoxic cells in vitro.

Some results of the first more complex studies in vitro on radio-sensitizing efficiency, cytotoxicity and reactivity with blood-thiols of a series of 4- or 5-nitroimidazoles substituted in the 5, 4 or 2 position with chlorine are presented. The derivatives of 4-nitroimidazole substituted in 5 position ("ortho" position) with Cl show higher radiosensitizing efficiency than one may expect from their reduction potential, E1/2. At the same time they are extremely toxic, especially for aerobic cells. It is considered that high biological activity of ortho-substituted 4-nitroimidazoles is connected with their considerable chemical reactivity towards thiols and suppression of those natural protective compounds in the cells. The corresponding 5-nitro isomers are about tenfold weaker sensitizers, and simultaneously much less cytotoxic, either in aerobic or in hypoxic conditions. The chloro-4(5)-nitroimidazoles nonsubstituted at N-1 and ionizable in aqueous solution are relatively weaker at the same time less toxic radiosensitizers. It is evaluated that potential application in radiotherapy may have those chloronitroimidazoles which show low aerobic cytotoxicity, moderate radiosensitizing ability and no reactivity towards thiols. On the basis of the study in vitro, we have selected such a compound: 1-methyl-2-chloro-4-nitroimidazole (P13) for screening in vivo.
2-Chloro-4-nitroimidazole radiosensitizers of hypoxic tumor cells in vivo.

The transplantable rhabdomyosarcoma in WAG/Rij rats was used to test the in vivo effectiveness of 1-methyl-2-chloro-4-nitroimidazole (P13) and its analog 1-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-propyl)-2-chloro-4-nitroimidazole (P40) as tumor-cell radiosensitizers after their i.p. administration at low doses. The results indicate that both compounds administered repeatedly at nontoxic concentrations (70-150 mg/kg body wt.) in combination with moderate fractional doses of irradiation (3.7 Gy) enhance the radiation effect on tumors. The local control of tumors on the 210th day in all experimental groups has been higher than in the control ones. In the case of P40 administered in the maximal dose, the increment in local control is statistically significant (p less than 0.05). The regrowth delay has also been longer after treatment with radiosensitizers. In the course of treatment we did not observe any symptoms of neurotoxicity of the compounds. The mean body weight of rats during the administration of compounds remained on the level of control rats whose tumors were irradiated only.
In vitro screening of carcinogenesis inhibitors acting by inhibition of microsomal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon activation.

A procedure for in vitro prescreening of carcinogenesis inhibitors acting by the inhibition of the microsomal activation systems is described. It consists of measuring the protection conferred by the investigated chemicals against DNA binding of ultimate carcinogens resulted during G(3H)B[a]P activation. This rapid and reproducible procedure is able to select only carcinogenesis inhibitors which interact with the cytochrome P-450 dependent microsomal enzymes being specific in this respect. The effectiveness of 23 compounds (mainly antioxidants) was tested and the results compared with literary data concerning their activity. The concordance was satisfactory.
Organ distribution of fibrinogen-bound methotrexate in mice with Gardner lymphosarcoma.

The distribution of fibrinogen-bound 3H methotrexate was investigated in Gardner lymphosarcoma bearing mice. 3H labeled methotrexate (3H MTX) was covalently bound by means of aminopropyl carbodiimide to bovine and mouse fibrinogen (FBG). The preparations as well as the free 3H MTX were applied i.v. in a single dose to three groups of C3H mice on day 6 after the inoculation of Gardner lymphosarcoma. 3H MTX level was determined in the blood, spleen, tumor and liver. Sufficient amounts of MTX were released by proteolysis of FBG-MTX derivatives to induce chemotherapeutical effects. Protracted accumulation of MTX applied in the form of FBG-MTX derivatives was found in the spleen and in the liver, in contradistinction to free drug application, suggesting the proteolytic degradation as a directing step responsible for the prolonged persistence of FBG-MTX derivatives in the organs. In the tumor the highest amount of MTX was released from mouse FBG supporting the view of ready uptake of homologous FBG by tumors.
Inhibition by monosaccharides of tumor associated macrophages mediated antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity to autologous tumor cells.

A number of mono- and oligosaccharides are known to inhibit direct contact mediated cytotoxicity of natural killer cells, cytotoxic T lymphocytes and macrophages. In antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), where antibody molecules mediate target recognition, binding and lysis, the role of cell surface carbohydrates is not clearly defined. In the present paper the effects of D-mannose (D-man), N-acetylglucosamine (N-AcGlc), N-acetylgalactosamine (N-AcGal) and glucose on binding and lytic events of ADCC by the tumor associated macrophages (TAM) to autologous tumor cells (ATC) were studied. The TAM were isolated on day 3 of growth of a transplantable ascites tumor--S-180, in Swiss mice. D-man, N-AcGlc and N-AcGal when added to the assay partially inhibited ADCC at 15 mM but at 25 and 40 mM totally abrogated ADCC. Glucose marginally enhanced ADCC at 25 mM but at other concentrations partial inhibition of ADCC occurred. Preincubation of TAM with 25 mM of D-man, N--AcGlc and N-AcGal resulted in total abrogation of ADCC with significant reduction in their binding of ATC, whereas, pretreatment of ATC with the sugars produced 30-40% inhibition of lysis with marginal reduction in target binding. The inhibitory effects of D-man, N-AcGlc and N-AcGal were also observed on ADCC mediated by the peritoneal resident macrophages (RM) of Swiss mice. "Lectin-like" receptors were postulated to be present on the surface of TAM which were involved in ADCC and were inhibitable by sugars.
Comparison of estrogen receptor enzyme immunoassay and a radioligand binding assay (isoelectric focusing) in adenocarcinoma of the uterine body.

Thirty-two samples from adenocarcinoma of the uterine body were analyzed for estrogen receptor (ER). ER was measured with two techniques: isoelectric focusing (IF) in polyacrylamide gels and enzyme immuno assay (EIA) with monoclonal antibodies. When comparing, a very good correlation between IF and EIA was found. ER recovery was, however, increased twice when using the latter technique. The advantages of EIA in terms of its rapidity and simplicity should be considered against its, at present, greater expenses compared with methods based on radiolabeled ligands.
Hexokinase isoenzymes in the diagnosis of gastric and esophageal neoplasms.

Using a method of electrophoretic separation on agar gel, the hexokinase (HK) isoenzymes were determined in biopsies from patients with gastric and esophageal cancer and nonmalignant diseases (gastric benign tumors and gastritis) as well as in biopsies from healthy people. In the malignant neoplasms studied, a significant elevation of HK-II and the appearance of additional anodal bands (HK-IIf and HK-III) have been demonstrated. As a rule, the HK isoenzyme spectrum in gastric polyps was similar to that of normal mucosa and characterized by a predominance of HK-I. Changes in the HK isoenzyme composition in gastric mucosa with intestinal metaplasia were expressed in lesser degree but had similar cancerous tendency. The HK isoenzyme analysis in biopsy samples may be used for differential diagnosis of malignant and benign tumors, and/or as definite diagnostic implication of an early sign of malignancy in the study of premalignant lesions.
Adenocarcinoma cervicis uteri. An appraisal of treatment results for a period of 40 years.

A retrospective study was done in 316 patients with primary cervical adenocarcinoma treated at the Research Institute for Clinical and Experimental Oncology in Brno over a period of 40 years (1939-1978). The treatment results were compared to those in 2571 patients with epidermoid carcinomas of the uterine cervix treated at the Institute over the same period. The 5-year survival rate was significantly lower in adenocarcinoma patients (in Stage I patients, 77.8% vs. 84.5%, and, in the whole group, 60.8% vs. 70.3%). The assessment of the treatment results of this study has clearly showed that in cervical adenocarcinomas, surgery combined with radiotherapy was much more effective than radical radiotherapy alone (77.4% vs. 64.7%). In contrast to this, in epidermoid carcinomas the treatment results were better after radical radiotherapy (86.5% vs. 81.3%). Thus, in the prognosis of cervical adenocarcinomas the mass of the tumor, the size of the uterus, as well as the grading play a role. That means that primary cervical adenocarcinomas at early stages can be successfully treated by a combination of radical surgery and radiotherapy, while radiotherapy of advanced stages of this tumor is less successful.
  The results of topical application of 13-cis-retinoic acid on basal cell carcinoma. A correlation of the clinical effect with histopathological examination and serum retinol level.
Year: 1987Issue: 4Page: 485-9
  Enhancement of neutral metalloproteinase in the dermis after one topical application of tumor-promoting phorbol ester.
Year: 1987Issue: 6Page: 659-63
Authors: A Jendryczko, M Drózdz, B Skop,
  Antigenic phenotype of LEW rat lymphatic leukemia.
Year: 1987Issue: 2Page: 139-49
Authors: D Krenová, B Otová, V Kren,
  Some biochemical mechanisms underlying the impairment of T and B cell immunity in C3HA mice during hepatoma growth.
Year: 1987Issue: 4Page: 453-67
Authors: G I Potapova, S N Khramtsova, L V Dmitrieva, V S Shapot,
  Lymphocyte populations in premalignant lesions and cancer of the oral cavity.
Year: 1987Issue: 4Page: 469-79
Authors: M R Pillai, P Balaram, T Abraham, M K Nair,
  Nitroblue tetrazolium test in patients with Hodgkin's disease in the course of chemotherapy.
Year: 1987Issue: 1Page: 107-13
Authors: H Kemona, J Wysocka, J Prokopowicz, S Kiluk,
  Lung tumor presentation in relation to histology and smoking habit of operable and inoperable patients.
Year: 1987Issue: 1Page: 115-8
Authors: P Desatnik, P Alm, O Elisson, H Olsson,
  Occult thyroid carcinoma in a Greek population.
Year: 1987Issue: 1Page: 119-25
Authors: G S Delides, J Elemenoglou, J Lekkas, C Kittas, C Evthimiou,
  High-resolution chromosome analysis in retinoblastoma.
Year: 1987Issue: 1Page: 23-6
Authors: D Toncheva, P Genkova, M Tzoneva, I Konstantinov, V Markova,
  Comparative evaluation of two administration schedules of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum (DDP) in ovarian and head and neck cancers: a CMEA chemotherapy group study.
Year: 1987Issue: 1Page: 37-43
  Derivatives of benzo(c)fluorene. XXIV. Cytostatic effect of benfluron on human leukemic cells in vitro.
Year: 1987Issue: 1Page: 45-54
Authors: J Soucek, P Stöckbauer, M M
  Photodynamic therapy in vitro and in vivo with hematoporphyrin derivative and laser light.
Year: 1987Issue: 1Page: 61-6
Authors: G Canti, L Ricci, A Ferrario, P Franco, O Marelli, A Andreoni, R Cubeddu, A Nicolin,
  Carcinoembryonic antigen in bronchogenic carcinoma.
Year: 1987Issue: 1Page: 73-6
Authors: P Zatloukal, Z Voslárová, O M
  Influence of splenectomy on the levels of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in Hodgkin's disease (HD).
Year: 1987Issue: 1Page: 89-93
Authors: A V Nerurkar, S H Advani, B P Gothoskar,
  Consistent chromosome abnormalities in LS/BL murine lymphosarcoma cells.
Year: 1987Issue: 2Page: 151-8
Authors: V Jurásková,
  Hyperlipidemia and monoclonal gammapathy.
Year: 1987Issue: 2Page: 169-72
Authors: Z Zadák, M Tichý,
  Comparative pharmacokinetics of four platinum cytostatics in rats.
Year: 1987Issue: 2Page: 173-81
Authors: A Láznícková, M Filipová, M Láznícek, J Drobník, D Svoboda, J Kv
  Incidence of alloantibodies and immune complexes in bronchial secretions of lung cancer patients.
Year: 1987Issue: 2Page: 189-98
Authors: M K Górny, M Lawniczak, A Skrzypczak, J Zeromski,
  Evaluation of the malignancy of oral cavity tumors with a new electrochemical diagnostic method.
Year: 1987Issue: 2Page: 205-10
Authors: I Szabó, J Urmösi,
  Childhood rhabdomyosarcoma in Hungary.
Year: 1987Issue: 2Page: 217-22
Authors: G Kardos, T Révész, J Keleti, P Somló, D Schuler,
  Larynx cancer risk factors.
Year: 1987Issue: 2Page: 223-33
  Cytogenetic changes of human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro after exposure to cis-DDP (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum II) and oxo-Pt (cis-diamminedichloro-trans-dihydroxyplatinum IV).
Year: 1987Issue: 2Page: 235-8
Authors: M Blasko, I Kvietiková, I Plesková, I Chalupa, P Kuliffay, J Siracký,
  Chloronitroimidazoles as radiosensitizers of hypoxic cells in vitro.
Year: 1987Issue: 3Page: 241-51
  2-Chloro-4-nitroimidazole radiosensitizers of hypoxic tumor cells in vivo.
Year: 1987Issue: 3Page: 253-9
  In vitro screening of carcinogenesis inhibitors acting by inhibition of microsomal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon activation.
Year: 1987Issue: 3Page: 261-8
Authors: C Safirman, G Stoica, F Lupu, N Voiculetz, I Niculescu-Duvaz,
  Organ distribution of fibrinogen-bound methotrexate in mice with Gardner lymphosarcoma.
Year: 1987Issue: 3Page: 269-76
Authors: V Slavíková, J E Dyr, K Motycka, K Pristoupilová, P Holý, K Slavík,
  Inhibition by monosaccharides of tumor associated macrophages mediated antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity to autologous tumor cells.
Year: 1987Issue: 3Page: 295-303
Authors: U Chattopadhyay, S Bhattacharyya,
  Comparison of estrogen receptor enzyme immunoassay and a radioligand binding assay (isoelectric focusing) in adenocarcinoma of the uterine body.
Year: 1987Issue: 3Page: 313-7
Authors: G Horvath, M Fernö, C Tropé,
  Hexokinase isoenzymes in the diagnosis of gastric and esophageal neoplasms.
Year: 1987Issue: 3Page: 319-24
Authors: L S Bassalyk, N V Ljubimova,
  Adenocarcinoma cervicis uteri. An appraisal of treatment results for a period of 40 years.
Year: 1987Issue: 3Page: 333-6
Authors: B Ptácková, F Kucera, J Kopecný,

Number of items: 3631