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Value of CEA and SCC-Ag in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and serum of patients with lung carcinoma.

To evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of simultaneous determinations of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC-Ag), we studied 25 patients with lung carcinoma and 12 with nonmalignant lung diseases. The measurements were made in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). The results showed that positive rates with lavage CEA and SCC-Ag in lung carcinoma patients were higher in comparison with those markers in serum. The combination of lavage CEA and SCC-Ag taken together with the results of bronchoscopy (histology and cytology) showed the highest discriminating power between malignant and nonmalignant lung diseases. The sensitivity of bronchoscopy increased from 48 to 84% with at least 1 positive marker. It appears that the simultaneous determination of CEA and SCC-Ag levels in serum and BAL in lung carcinoma patients may be of considerable importance in diagnosis.
An attempt to induce formation of antibodies against endogenous retrovirus BP 6 in syngenic rats.

An attempt was made to induce production of antibodies against C-type endogenous rat retrovirus BP 6. Syngenic Lewis rats were immunized with viable tumor cells, induced with benzo(a)pyrene, continuously producing BP 6 virus. By use of immunoblotting technique, neither short- nor long-term immunization did cause formation of any detectable amounts of antibody against structural proteins of the virus. On the other hand, in immunoblotting, antibodies arised in rats immunized with purified mouse leukemia virus have been found to cross-react with endogenous rat retrovirus.
Adaptation of mouse leukemia cells L1210 to vincristine. Evidence for expression of P-glycoprotein.

A vincristine resistant cell line was obtained from mouse leukemia cells L1210 by long-term adaptation in a medium with stepwise increasing concentrations of vincristine. By Western blotting using monoclonal antibody C219, positive signal on the presence of P-glycoprotein was observed in the resistant cells. Moreover, hybridization of mRNA from vincristine resistant cells with radiolabeled MDR1 cDNA probe gave evidence about the expression of MDR1 gene. The observed resistance may be depressed by application of "chemosensitizers" such as (1) calcium entry blockers (verapamil and nifedipine); (2) neuroleptics (trifluorperasine) and (3) local anesthetics (lidocaine) directly to the grow medium. Any significant effect in O2 consumption as well as incorporation of [U-14C]-glucose by the sensitive or resistant cells was not detected in the absence of vincristine. Presence of vincristine induced increasing velocity of O2 consumption by resistant cells from 2.5 +/- 0.3 to 3.3 +/- 0.2 microliters/min.10(6) cells, and, on the other hand, decreasing O2 consumption by sensitive cells from 2.3 +/- 0.2 to 1.7 +/- 0.1 ml/min.10(6) cells. The presence of vincristine induced less potent decrease in glucose incorporation by resistant cells in comparison with values which were observed in sensitive cells.
Synthesis of nucleic acids in blood cells in mice after irradiation with gamma rays.

In the blood of mice irradiated with a single total-body dose of 8 Gy gamma rays we examined the concentration of nucleic acids and incorporation of 3H-thymidine and 14C-orotic acid. The concentration of nucleic acids, above all that of DNA in the so-called blood leukocyte mass dropped significantly in the course of the first three days after irradiation. Recovery began in the course of the second week following irradiation. On day 21 after irradiation, DNA concentration was found to be recovered temporarily and RNA concentration to exceed the control values. The increase of incorporation of 3H-thymidine confirmed an increased incidence of DNA synthesizing cells in the blood within days 12-15 after irradiation. Since the increase of incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA was not preceded by an increase of incorporation of 14C-orotic acid into RNA, we presume that the DNA synthesizing cells in the blood of irradiated animals do not represent the stimulated lymphocytes but circulating hemopoietic cells. Therefore, the examination of DNA synthesis in blood cells enables to record the course of bone marrow regeneration after irradiation or after application of hemopoiesis depressing substances.
Intensive combination chemotherapy (TTL-I protocol) of large cell and immunoblastic lymphomas--long-term observation.

Fifty patients with advanced (Stage III and IV) large cell and immunoblastic lymphoma were treated with eight 4-week courses of chemotherapy. The first two identical A courses were composed of high dose cyclophosphamide, vincristine, 5-day administration of bleomycin, 2-week prednisone, and methotrexate with calcium leucovorin. The next two "B" courses were composed of vincristine, 3-day administration of doxorubicin together with bleomycin, and prednisone. The next two "C" courses were composed of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, bleomycin, prednisone, methotrexate, and calcium leucovorin. The last two "D" courses were the same as "B" courses. CNS prophylaxis was done with intrathecal methotrexate. Fourty-two patients (84%) achieved complete remission, 7 patients entered partial remission, and 1 patient failed to respond. The median survival of all groups was 80 + months (range 2-181 + months). Nine patients relapsed (21%), and seven patients died in complete remission, three of them died of toxicity. The most frequent toxicity was myelosuppression, mostly leukopenia, frequently followed by infection, sometimes severe. Neurotoxicity and stomatitis were frequent, but usually not severe. Two patients developed secondary malignancies. Most of the patients (54%) are alive without evidence of disease at present.
Quality control program of steroid receptor assays: an international study.

Lyophilized calf uterine cytosol standards were prepared for quality control of estrogen receptor (ER) determination, and lyophilized cytosols and tissue powders were used for quality control of progesterone receptor (PR) analysis. Two series of four samples were analyzed either for ER or PR contents, twice within one month, by 7 laboratories in 5 countries. Coefficient of variation (CV) of the between-laboratory averages assayed in a single run of ER-positive (ER+) and PR-positive (PR+) standards varied from 29.6 to 61.8% and from 32.4 to 76.2%, respectively. All laboratories, with the exception of a single value, could recognize samples of low, medium, an high ER level, as well as a negative sample. Most laboratories evaluated properly also the level of PR samples. The average between-laboratory CV values of protein determination in the relevant standards were 23%.
Endocrine status in stage II vs. advanced premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer patients.

Circulating preoperative levels of DHEA-S, androstenedione and SHBG were measured in 40 premenopausal and 49 postmenopausal breast cancer patients, and in 30 and 15 age-matched healthy controls, respectively. Moreover, the levels of LH, FSH, prolactin, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, androstenedione and SHBG of Stage II breast cancer patients were compared with advanced patients and also with controls. In premenopausal patients the levels of steroid hormones were significantly low whereas those of peptide hormones were significantly high. On the contrary, in postmenopausal patients, except DHEA-S, all other hormones were significantly elevated in comparison with controls. In premenopausal patients, DHEA-S, androstenedione, estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone decreased as stage advanced with concomitant increase of SHBG, LH, FSH and prolactin when compared with hormone levels of Stage II patients. In postmenopausal advanced breast cancer patients, when compared with Stage II patients, the levels of SHBG, LH, FSH, and prolactin increased significantly, while DHEA-S, androstenedione, estradiol, and progesterone decreased as stage advanced.
Selective monocellular necrosis of Hodgkin's/Reed-Sternberg cells and their immunoreactivity to human serum antinuclear antibodies in NS- and MC-types of malignant lymphogranuloma.

The selective (apoptotic) necrosis of Hodgkin's cells in malignant lymphogranuloma appears to be etiologically quite different from focal one due to ischemic-vascular causes. The morphology and supposed etiopathogenesis of this cellular lesion, as well as the karyoclastic process-presumably apoptotic in nature-are briefly described and considered as a mechanism leading to cellular regression with subsequent destructuralization and release of DNA-reactive nucleoprotein material in form of free hematoxylin bodies. An original observation of the immunoreactivity of Hodgkin's cells with antinuclear antibodies of human serum in a case of collagenosis is also described.
Studies on the release of interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and lysozyme from human non-adherent mononuclear cells (nMNC) in vitro after treatment with cisplatin and other biological response modifiers.

The supernatants collected from cisplatin, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), muramyl dipeptide (MDP) or recombinant interferon gamma (rIFN-gamma) treated non-adherent mononuclear cells (with NK cell activity) enhanced thymocyte proliferation by a submitogenic concentration of concanavalin A as compared to untreated nMNC. Supernatants collected from cisplatin or rIFN-gamma treated nMNC also demonstrated enhanced cytotoxicity against actinomycin-D treated L929 cells, suggesting that cisplatin or rIFN-gamma treated nMNC release tumor necrosis factor (TNF) into the culture supernatant. On the other hand, supernatant collected from untreated nMNC showed little TNF activity. Treatment of nMNC with cisplatin, LPS, MDP or rIFN-gamma resulted in enhanced release of lysozyme into the culture medium as compared to untreated nMNC.
T-lymphocyte subsets (CD4/CD8 ratio) in breast cancer patients.

T-lymphocyte subsets (CD4/CD8 antigen positive cells) were determined in peripheral lymphocytes from 48 patients with breast cancer of different stages by flow immunocytometry with the aid of anti-CD4 and CD8 monoclonal antibodies. A broad individual variability of the CD4/CD8 ratio among both healthy donors and breast cancer patients was observed. The average value of CD4/CD8 ratio decreased in groups as follows: Healthy donors and Stage I patients, Stage IIA, IIB and Stage IV breast cancer patients. These differences were generally statistically not significant. The difference between healthy donors and Stage IV breast cancer patients was statistically significant (p < 0.01), if one exceedingly elevated value of the CD4/CD8 ratio was excluded from statistical evaluation. The average CD4/CD8 value in the group of breast cancer patients with lymph node or distant metastases was lower than that of patients without metastases, but their difference was not statistically significant either.
Effect of aldehydes on free sulfhydryl groups and glycolysis in extracts of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and mouse liver.

Some saturated and unsaturated aldehydes decreased the content of total sulfhydryl (SH) groups and inhibited the aerobic glycolysis in the extract of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells (EATC). These effects were not observed in normal mouse liver cells.
Phosphorus-containing metabolites in anthracycline-resistant murine leukemia P388 cells.

The method of 31P nuclear magnetic resonance was used to study in vivo the level of phosphorus-containing metabolites in P388 leukemia cells sensitive or resistant to rubomycin (daunomycin) and its nitroxyl analog-emoxyl. It was shown that decreased content of phosphomonoesters (PME) is characteristic of the resistant strains in comparison with the parent cells. Rubomycin and emoxyl were established not to affect practically the pool of phosphorus-containing metabolites in the cells of the resistant strains, but caused considerable increase of PME level in the cells of the parent strain.
Utilization of determining lipid-bound sialic acid for the diagnosis and further prognosis of cancer.

In three types of tumors, rectal carcinoma, large intestine carcinoma and bronchogenic carcinoma, the level of lipid-bound sialic acid (LSA) was determined in blood serum before and after surgical operation. In all the cases, there was a significant increase of LSA content in comparison with healthy controls. Considerable increase in LSA values was observed in patients in relapse after surgical intervention. In contrast to this, in patients with regression the LSA levels were lower as compared with LSA levels prior to the surgical intervention. We believe that the method of determining LSA level could be used not only for the diagnosis of cancer, but also for the prognosis.
Frequent involvement of Ig heavy chain carrier chromosome 12 in translocations in an Ehrlich-derived mouse tumor cell line.

Preferential involvement of chromosome 12, the carrier of Ig heavy chain, in structural rearrangements has been documented in an in vitro derivative of Ehrlich-LettrÊ mouse ascites tumor. Both copies of chromosome 12 have been found to be involved in Robertsonian and tandem translocations with certain other members of the tumor complement in this near-diploid ascites tumor cell line.
The effect of partial hepatectomy on the genotoxicity of aflatoxin B1. II.

The influence of partial hepatectomy (PH) on the genotoxic effect of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) mycotoxin in male Chinese hamsters (Cricetulus griseus) in vivo was studied after a repeated i.p. application of small doses of AFB1 during 8 weeks. The frequency of aberrant cells did not increase after repeated application and persisted throughout the whole period on a relatively stable level. No cumulative genotoxic effect of repeated doses of AFB1 was observed. PH decreased the genotoxic effect of AFB1 only in week 4, while in weeks 6 and 8 no significant differences between hepatectomized and nonhepatectomized animals were recorded.
Chromosomes in Hodgkin's disease--analysis of involved lymph nodes.

Chromosome studies carried out using lymph nodes of 47 patients with Hodgkin's disease gave analyzable metaphases in 22 patients of which 16 (72.7%) showed chromosome abnormalities. The modal chromosome number ranged from near-diploidy to near-tetraploidy. Chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21 and 22 were involved in trisomy and tetrasomy whereas chromosome 17 was involved in monosomy. Structural abnormalities like deletions of chromosomes 1(p13), 6(q24) and addition of chromatin material to chromosomes 11(q13) and 14(q32) were also detected. The involvement of chromosomes 2, 5, 12, 18 and 21 in numerical abnormalities, and chromosome 14(14q+) in structural aberrations was found to be more frequent in Hodgkin's disease. No clinical correlation could be defined between the various chromosome abnormalities and prognosis of these patients.
Glutathione S-transferase activity in human breast tumors.

The level of total glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity was examined in forty-three breast carcinomas (forty tumors from previously untreated patients and three tumors from patients previously treated by chemotherapy), and thirteen benign breast tumors. Cytosolic GST activity was determined according to a spectrophotometric method. Using Student's t-test, significant differences were found between GST levels in these two groups of tumors (p < 0.01). The higher values were found in malignant tumors. The range of values in both malignant and benign tumors was very wide. The relationship between GST activity and hormone receptor status was examined in thirty-three cases for estrogen receptor (ER) status, and thirty-one cases for progesterone receptor (PR) status. The level of hormonal receptors was determined according to the dextran-charcoal technique. No significant difference between the mean levels of GST activity in ER+ and ER-tumors was found (p > 0.4), but the difference corresponding to PR+ and PR-tumors approximated the 1% level of significance. The relationship between total GST activity and clinical or pathological parameters was also studied. Significant difference was found between the mean levels of GST activity corresponding to the groups of patients with non-involved nodes, and those having one or more involved nodes, respectively (p < 0.05). No correlation was found with respect to age (p > 0.2), tumor size (p > 0.2), or tumor grade (p > 0.4). Increased levels of GST activity were found in PR-tumors and in tumors with involved axillary nodes. Both groups of tumors are known to have a poorer prognosis. It was concluded that the significance of GST activity as an additional marker of prognosis must be taken into consideration.
A multivariant study of pituitary adenoma, obtainment of two logistic regression equations as an auxiliary support in the diagnosis of these tumors.

A multivariant analysis was carried out in 120 patients with pituitary adenoma (prolactinoma, HGH-secreting adenoma and nonfunctional adenoma) and an equation was obtained concerning the prolactinoma (whose independent variables were age, galactorrhea, impotence, stage, and pretreatment secretion of ACTH) and another one concerning the nonfunctional adenoma (with age evolution time, visual disturbance evolution and galactorrhea as independent variables). These equations are useful in the differential diagnosis. The internal validity of both equations was obtained by calculating the ROC curve and determining sensibility, specificity and predictive values at the "optimum point" of this curve.
Sonography in the diagnosis and therapy monitoring of lymphomas.

Multiple ultrasonographic (USG) evaluations of abdomen were performed in 97 patients: 30 with Hodgkin's disease (HD), 60 with non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) and 7 with primary gastric lymphoma (PGL) before or during chemo- or X-ray therapy. In 33% of HD patients USG was normal, while in 63% splenomegaly, in 40% hepatomegaly and in 20% lymph node enlargement were observed. After therapy, in 57% USG was improved and in only 3% of patients worsening was observed. In NHL patients splenomegaly was observed in 70%, hepatomegaly in 60% and lymph node enlargement in 35%. During follow-up, in 49% of patients improvement and in 3% worsening was observed. In 5 patients with PGL no changes were observed, in further 2 patients in Stage IV stomach wall and infiltration of nearest lymph nodes was observed. USG evaluation of abdomen may be useful in staging and therapy monitoring of malignant lymphomas.
Cytokine (IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-1-alpha, TNF-alpha)-induced modulation of HLA cell surface expression in human breast cancer cell lines.

Cytokine-induced modulation of HLA expression on the cell surface of four human breast cancer cell lines was determined by continuous flow immunocytofluorometry with the aid of monoclonal antibodies directed to a non-polymorphic determinant of HLA class I and class II (DR) antigen. IFN-gamma and IFN-alpha were potent inducers of HLA class I in all examined cell lines, with decreasing inducibility as follows: BT-20, ZR-75-1, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468 cells. HLA class II (DR) antigen was highly inducible by IFN-gamma in ZR-75-1 cells, followed by BT-20, MDA-MB-468 and MCF-7 cells. IFN-alpha increased the cell surface expression of DR antigen only in ZR-75-1 cells. IL-1-alpha induced a moderate level of HLA class I antigen in ZR-75-1, BT-20 and MDA-MB-468 cells, and HLA class II (DR) expression only in ZR-75-1 cells. This pattern of cell line inducibility by IL-1-alpha was similar to that induced by TNF-alpha. Differences in inducibility of HLA antigens on human breast cancer cell lines induced by different cytokines may reflect the differences in cytokine inducibility of the original tumor cells.
Amine oxidase-mediated cytotoxicity of spermine and epinephrine to human myelogenous leukemia K562 cells.

The effects of spermine and beta-adrenoceptor agonists (epinephrine, terbutaline and orciprenaline) in the presence and in the absence of fetal bovine serum (FBS) on human myelogenous leukemia K562 cells viability (V) and survival (N/Nc) were examined. Spermine-FBS significantly decreased both V and N/Nc of K562 cells. Aminoguanidine (AG), an amine oxidase inhibitor, and reduced form of glutathione abolished this effect demonstrating that the spermine-FBS action was amine oxidase-mediated. Epinephrine expressed a strong cytotoxicity to K562 cells which was abolished by pargyline, a specific monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor, as well as by reduced form of glutathione. Terbutaline and orciprenaline exerted no cytotoxic activity to K562 cells cultured in FBS-supplemented medium, independently on the presence of spermine. However, terbutaline at concentrations of over 1 mmol strongly inhibited the cytotoxic effect on spermine-FBS. The relationship between cytotoxicity and chemical structure of beta-adrenoceptor agonists was discussed especially with respect to their stability toward oxidation.
Cytochemical study of activated peritoneal macrophages in normal and tumor-bearing rats.

Enzyme characteristics of in vitro activated peritoneal macrophages of normal and BP6-TU2 tumor-bearing rats were compared with those of nonactivated macrophages. The activating effect of LPS, IFN-gamma, IL-2, TPA, TNF and Zymosan was assessed by the determination of the activities of alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase (ANBE), tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), beta glucuronidase (BG) and 5'nucleotidase (5'NT). The used individual activators induced the macrophage enzyme activities in different degrees. LPS, TPA and TNF appeared to be the most effective activators of enzyme activities in macrophages of normal rats. IFN-gamma, IL-2 and Zymosan were less effective. The macrophages of BP6-TU2 tumor-bearing rats were less sensitive to the stimulatory effect of activators with respect to their enzyme activation capacity, except for TRAP activity. The results indicate that enzyme ANBE is an adequate marker of rat peritoneal macrophages. Enzyme TRAP determines the macrophage activation degree more expressively, in comparison with BG and 5'NT. The differences in enzyme activities could be a suitable marker of macrophage activation and might suggest the dependence on the pathway of macrophage stimulation by distinct activators.
Estrogen dependence of primary breast cancer--correlation with histologic type and grade.

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether histologic type and grade of primary breast cancer are related to the estrogen and progesterone receptors. Our results showed that histologic type influenced the estrogen dependence through histologic grade. There was no difference in the estrogen and progesterone receptor content, when corresponding grades of different histologic types and estrogen dependence were confirmed by quantitative non-parametric analysis. It showed a direct relationship between estrogen and progesterone receptor content in all the three histologic grades and further that histologic grade defines three different groups in regard to progesterone receptor content.
The diagnosis of breast cancer--experiences from the community of Kungsbacka, Sweden.

In Kungsbacka, Sweden, with about 48,000 inhabitants, the records of all subjects who had been diagnosed to have breast cancer during a 3-year period were studied. The incidence was 41 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. A palpable mass in the breasts was the most common initial sign (77%). Most patients first visited a physician working within the primary health care system. In 94% of the patients a palpable mass in their breasts had been found by the physician. In 16% of the cases a better or a more regular breast self-examination could have reduced the patients' delay. Mean doctor's delay was approximately five weeks. Subjects with no spread to the axillary lymph nodes had a favorable prognosis with a 5-year mortality rate of 12% during the follow-up study period as compared with patients who had distant metastases and/or axillary node involvement, in whom a mortality rate of 67% was observed during the same study period.
Survival rates for childhood malignancies in Slovakia.

Survival rates (SR) for population-based series of 1564 cases of cancer in children aged 0-14, diagnosed during the decade 1978-1987 in Slovakia and derived from the National Cancer Registry, were examined. The overall 5-year SR (all types of childhood malignancies combined) was 49.8%. Different SR were ascertained for leukemias -43.8%, lymphomas -59.1%, CNS tumors -42.7% and for other remaining diagnostic groups and subgroups of childhood malignancies. Generally, the SR were slightly better for girls than for boys. Cancer patients being diagnosed during the first two years of age showed worse prognosis with a 5-year survival rate of 36.8% as compared to 52.6% for children aged 2-14 at diagnosis. Differences in 5-year survival were also found between urban and rural areas: 56.8% and 48.8%, respectively. The 5-year SR increased during the study period from 48.5% for 1978-1982 to 50.0% for 1983-1987. Comparison of SR from Slovakia with the corresponding rates observed recently in some developed countries indicated possibilities to improve prognosis of childhood malignancies in this country.
Influence of tobacco on laryngeal carcinoma in Spain.

Spain is one of the countries with the highest incidence of laryngeal cancer in the world. Many risk factors have been linked to this neoplasm, such as tobacco, alcohol and occupation. In order to evaluate the effect of tobacco, a case-control study was performed. Cases included 85 patients with cancer of the larynx diagnosed in La Paz, Madrid, between 1983 and 1988, whereas a sample of 170 patients from the same hospital was used as control. Our study revealed that tobacco was significantly associated with laryngeal cancer. Filter-tipped cigarette was shown to be a risk factor as well as consumption of non-filtered cigarettes at first followed by consumption of filter-tipped cigarettes. An association was found between laryngeal cancer and smoking more than 15 cigarettes a day, as well as between cancer of the larynx and being in the habit of smoking for more than 15 years.
New monoclonal antibodies specific to HLA class I and their application in the study of acid treatment effect on cell surface antigens.

New monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against HLA class I antigens were prepared and characterized. Three mAbs (CLI-1, CLI-2, CLI-3) were directed to the heavy chain of HLA class I molecules and one mAb (B2M-1) is specific to beta 2-microglobulin. Using these mAbs, it was confirmed that acid treatment selectively eliminated cell surface HLA class I antigenicity. The treatment with citric acid solution resulted in preparation of cells with lower residual HLA class I surface molecules than was seen after the treatment with glycine buffer.
Detection of cytoplasmic and surface membrane markers in cells of some human hematopoietic cell lines.

The cells of some human leukemia-lymphoma T cell lines (JURKAT, MOLT4), B cell lines (DAUDI, U-266) and of myeloid U-937 cell line were characterized for their surface membrane and cytoplasmic marker profiles. The usefulness of some fixation and permeabilization methods of cell membrane for detection of cytoplasmic markers by flow cytometry was studied. The methods of cell fixation in suspension were found to be more sensitive than the methods of cell fixation in smears. With the very short buffered formaldehyde-acetone (BFA) fixation used in this study an optimal penetration of the monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) through the plasma membrane and specific binding to the appropriate structures were achieved. CD22 antigen was detected in cytoplasm but not on membrane of DAUDI cells. In another B cell line, U-266, CD22 antigen was present both in cell membrane and cytoplasm. The marker corresponding to anti-CD19 MoAb was detected in cytoplasm but was absent on membrane of U-266 cells. Furthermore, the antigen estimated by anti-CD3 MoAb could be detected intracellularly in cells of both T cell lines tested, while it was absent on cell membrane of these cells. The phenotypic study of U-937 cells showed that the majority of cells expressed myeloid associated antigens. In our study the CD14 marker detected on cell surface membrane of U-937 cells was missing in their cytoplasm. The surface antigens remained intact after BFA fixation enabling a simultaneous detection of membrane and cytoplasmic markers in double immunofluorescence studies. Through this combination of markers minor cell populations could be detected. Human hematopoietic cell lines could serve as a reliable model system for a rapid and quantitative immunodiagnosis.
Regulation of the proto-oncogenes c-sis, c-fos, c-myc and c-myb in acute myeloid leukemias.

RNA transcriptional levels of the proto-oncogenes c-sis, c-fos, c-myb and c-myc were measured in peripheral blood leukemic blast cells of 16 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) of different FAB subtypes, 8 being at diagnosis and 8 upon relapse. The studied proto-oncogenes were found to be regulated but varied considerably within morphologically identical subtypes. This is consistent with the clinically observable diverse behavior of seemingly identical AMLs as to the course and outcome of the individual disease. Overexpression of c-sis and c-myc was found more often in AML upon relapse than at diagnosis and in two cases overexpression not found at diagnosis was present at relapse. This implies alterations of biological behavior in the course of antileukemic drug therapy. A decline of c-myb expression was observed in one patient studied throughout therapy which was found to be associated with a complete but transient hematological remission after chemotherapy.
Estrogen and progesterone receptor status of primary breast cancer: relationship with the pattern of first metastasis and survival.

Estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) contents in primary tumors from 127 advanced breast cancer patients were measured by DCC method. The patients were followed for 2 years and the prognostic value of the receptor levels was evaluated and compared with other tumor and patient characteristics. No relation was found between receptor levels and tumor, first relapse site as well as short-term survival (2 years) which might be due to the advanced stage of disease at diagnosis.
  Value of CEA and SCC-Ag in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and serum of patients with lung carcinoma.
Year: 1992Issue: 5Page: 283-5
  An attempt to induce formation of antibodies against endogenous retrovirus BP 6 in syngenic rats.
Year: 1992Issue: 5Page: 287-90
Authors: K Hlubinová, A Kovarík, J Prachar, D Simkovic, A Feldsamová,
  Adaptation of mouse leukemia cells L1210 to vincristine. Evidence for expression of P-glycoprotein.
Year: 1992Issue: 2Page: 73-7
Authors: L Poleková, M Barancík, T Mrázová, R Pirker, J Wallner, Z Sulová, A Breier,
  Synthesis of nucleic acids in blood cells in mice after irradiation with gamma rays.
Year: 1992Issue: 1Page: 29-33
Authors: E Misúrová, K Kropácová,
  Intensive combination chemotherapy (TTL-I protocol) of large cell and immunoblastic lymphomas--long-term observation.
Year: 1992Issue: 1Page: 43-7
Authors: I Koza, J Mardiak, L Bohunický, L Svancárová, P Fuchsberger, J Gyárfás, I Horák, S Spánik, J Sufliarsky, Z Thalmeinerová,
  Quality control program of steroid receptor assays: an international study.
Year: 1992Issue: 1Page: 65-9
Authors: I Vermousek, I Számel, M Goerlich, B Brdar, D Cvrtila, D Graf, R Padovan, Z Paszko, K Safarcík,
  Endocrine status in stage II vs. advanced premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer patients.
Year: 1992Issue: 1Page: 39-42
Authors: J M Bhatavdekar, D D Patel, N G Shah, D D Giri, H H Vora, N H Karelia, S N Trivedi, N Ghosh, T P Suthar,
  Selective monocellular necrosis of Hodgkin's/Reed-Sternberg cells and their immunoreactivity to human serum antinuclear antibodies in NS- and MC-types of malignant lymphogranuloma.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 205-10
Authors: R Kodousek, V Tichá, M Tichý,
  Studies on the release of interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and lysozyme from human non-adherent mononuclear cells (nMNC) in vitro after treatment with cisplatin and other biological response modifiers.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 211-7
Authors: A Sodhi, K Pai,
  T-lymphocyte subsets (CD4/CD8 ratio) in breast cancer patients.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 219-22
Authors: L Sevcíková, L Hunáková, B Chorváth, M Turzová, E Boljesíková,
  Effect of aldehydes on free sulfhydryl groups and glycolysis in extracts of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and mouse liver.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 223-8
Authors: L Wlodek, M Wróbel,
  Phosphorus-containing metabolites in anthracycline-resistant murine leukemia P388 cells.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 229-32
Authors: O A Shiryaeva, N A Semenova, L A Sibeldina, S A Goncharova, N P Konovalova,
  Utilization of determining lipid-bound sialic acid for the diagnosis and further prognosis of cancer.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 233-6
Authors: J Polívková, K Vosmiková, L Horák,
  Frequent involvement of Ig heavy chain carrier chromosome 12 in translocations in an Ehrlich-derived mouse tumor cell line.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 237-9
Authors: S Chakrabarti, C Granzow,
  The effect of partial hepatectomy on the genotoxicity of aflatoxin B1. II.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 241-4
Authors: T Petr, I Bárta, M Adámková, P Hrabal,
  Chromosomes in Hodgkin's disease--analysis of involved lymph nodes.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 245-8
Authors: R Ankathil, T Vijayakumar, G R Pillai, M K Nair,
  Glutathione S-transferase activity in human breast tumors.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 249-54
Authors: A I Colovai, A Stoica, S A Cinca, M Marin, M Gruia, I Condrea, D Petrescu, R Dutu,
  A multivariant study of pituitary adenoma, obtainment of two logistic regression equations as an auxiliary support in the diagnosis of these tumors.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 255-60
Authors: I Herruzo-Cabrera, R Herruzo-Cabrera, L Errazquin-Saez de Tejada, J L Garcia-Fernandez, M Vidarte-Zabala, F Mayer, J R Zaragoza-Rubira,
  Sonography in the diagnosis and therapy monitoring of lymphomas.
Year: 1992Issue: 4Page: 261-6
  Cytokine (IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-1-alpha, TNF-alpha)-induced modulation of HLA cell surface expression in human breast cancer cell lines.
Year: 1992Issue: 5Page: 269-72
Authors: J Sedlák, P Speiser, R Zeillinger, W Krugluger, C Wiltschke, E Kubista, B Chorváth,
  Amine oxidase-mediated cytotoxicity of spermine and epinephrine to human myelogenous leukemia K562 cells.
Year: 1992Issue: 5Page: 273-7
  Cytochemical study of activated peritoneal macrophages in normal and tumor-bearing rats.
Year: 1992Issue: 5Page: 291-7
Authors: M Klobusická, J Kusenda,
  Estrogen dependence of primary breast cancer--correlation with histologic type and grade.
Year: 1992Issue: 5Page: 299-304
  The diagnosis of breast cancer--experiences from the community of Kungsbacka, Sweden.
Year: 1992Issue: 5Page: 305-8
Authors: J M
  Survival rates for childhood malignancies in Slovakia.
Year: 1992Issue: 5Page: 309-17
Authors: E Kramárová, A Obsitníková, I Plesko,
  Influence of tobacco on laryngeal carcinoma in Spain.
Year: 1992Issue: 5Page: 319-22
Authors: J Espinosa, P Bravo, M G Baron,
  New monoclonal antibodies specific to HLA class I and their application in the study of acid treatment effect on cell surface antigens.
Year: 1992Issue: 6Page: 331-6
Authors: M Karpatová, K Poláková,
  Detection of cytoplasmic and surface membrane markers in cells of some human hematopoietic cell lines.
Year: 1992Issue: 6Page: 337-42
Authors: E Koníková, O Babusíková, J Kusenda, M Glasová,
  Regulation of the proto-oncogenes c-sis, c-fos, c-myc and c-myb in acute myeloid leukemias.
Year: 1992Issue: 6Page: 343-7
Authors: C P Strassburg, V Neubauer, H Poliwoda, T Benter,
  Estrogen and progesterone receptor status of primary breast cancer: relationship with the pattern of first metastasis and survival.
Year: 1992Issue: 6Page: 349-52
Authors: J M Bhatavdekar, D D Patel, N H Karelia, S N Trivedi, N G Shah, H H Vora, N Ghosh, D B Balar,

Number of items: 3631